from and with Catarina Câmara
from and with Catarina Câmara
What is fascinating about this creative approach, based on a photographic work, is not only the confrontation with the act of creating from an image, but also the whole dramaturgy around this temporal cut, incapable of completely canceling out the suggestion of movement. body in pause. A focus on the formal beauty of a moment, its expressive content, objective chance, understanding through the gaze. The ambiguous poetics of the visible where the detail of the gesture meets and is intrinsic to the act of moving, in its own language, which speaks to us without the use of words. The process is like a well-framed photograph. Sensitivity, intuition and sense of geometry. The domain of time and the control of space in a look at life. The natural framing of human instinct in a collection of moments captured by Henri Cartier-Bresson and used as a choreographic theme. The most human and real side of the subject captured in an exceptionally natural and exquisite way. The stage as a frame for the body in real time.
Concept and choreography - São Castro and António M Cabrita
Interpretation - António M Cabrita, São Castro, Luís Malaquias, Margarida Belo Costa
Costumes - Nuno Nogueira
Light Design - Vitor José
Project financed by DGArtes – General Directorate of Arts
Production - Play False / cultural association
production from 2012 to 2016) - Vo'Arte
Co-Production - Culturgest / Teatro Viriato
Support - Centro Cultural de Belém, Companhia Nacional de Bailado
Support Artist Residencies - DansBrabant / Tilburg; StudioTrade Network; the space of time
©Susana Pereira
©Carlos Pereira