from and with Catarina Câmara
from and with Catarina Câmara
Putting the music and the body in parallel – with all its movement – makes it difficult to imagine if it will be the dance that reveals the intrinsic characteristics of the music, as if translating it; or music that enhances the body's movements and directs it in musical gestures. As the ancestors believed, music makes the feelings visible, the movements real: we hear the music, we create the dance. We praise this eternal and unavoidable relationship, maintaining its individuality.
Last contains within itself the polarity between end and continuation, both in the sense of being last or last, and in its verbal form of something that lasts (to last). In the year of celebration of the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth, the musical work The Late String Quartets is the main conductor of the choreography. Choice dictated by its complexity, boldness, contrasts, poetics, the logic of the composition exposed by an irascible man immersed in deafness.
This relationship between the human body and music becomes even more literal and visible with the live performance of the Matosinhos String Quartet.
Direction and choreography - São Castro and António M Cabrita
Interpretation - Ana Moreno, Ester Goncalves, Guilherme Leal, Miguel Santos and Rosana Ribeiro
Music - The Late String Quartets, by Ludwig van Beethoven
Live musical interpretation - Matosinhos String Quartet:
Vitor Vieira and Juan Maggiorani (violins), Jorge Alves (viola), Marco Pereira (cello)
Scenic space, lighting design and costumes - São Castro and António M Cabrita
Technical direction and consultancy for light design - Cristovao Cunha
Production - Play False | cultural association
Co-production - Teatro Viriato, Teatro Municipal do Porto and Sao Luiz Teatro Municipal
Creation supported by - Ministry of Culture /Dgartes (quadrenium 2017-2021)
(This project was funded by the Municipality of Viseu under the Viseu Cultura program.)
© Carlos Fernandes