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LAST at home


LAST at home comes at a time teeming with ideas and questioning in strange and challenging times, marked by the desire to continue production and artistic sharing, rescuing the piece "LAST" from the interruption of the itinerancy it was forced to do within the state of emergency declared by the Government that led to the closing of theaters and cultural spaces as a way of preventing the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19).
As there is no alternative to meeting the public, other than through digital media, the concept of audience and also of presentation is inevitably changed – losing the ephemeral and overwhelming beauty of an emotion revealed before eye witnesses of a common purpose – but believing that different approaches can generate new links. 

In this context, we challenged the cast of this piece to a (re)creation tailored to the times we live in. Using the choreographed movements - and which are printed on the bodies of the dancers, this matter that connects them even at a distance - with no relationship between the group but creating the group this relationship with each other, the motto was established to give rise to this LAST at home. And once again, it was up to us to tune and edit them, recreating the connection between distant bodies, accompanied by Beethoven's music performed by the Matosinhos String Quartet.


Direction and choreography – São Castro and António M Cabrita
Edition – São Castro
Art direction – António M Cabrita
Interpretation – Ana Moreno, Ester Gonçalves, Guilherme Leal, Miguel Santos, Rosana Ribeiro and Laura Abel
Music – Ludwig van Beethoven - The Late String Quartets, String Quartet nº 12 (I. Maestoso-Allegro) 
Musical interpretation - Matosinhos String Quartet 
Production – Companhia Paulo Ribeiro
Acknowledgments– Beatriz Gonçalves, Danny Rico, Gil, Maria João Costa, Pedro Rebocho and Sónia Morgado

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