from and with Catarina Câmara
from and with Catarina Câmara
BOX 2.0
In 2013, São Castro and António M Cabrita created BOX, a project that was born from the desire to take the “dancing body” to a place outside the common context of presentation of the show and/or performance, of breaking the space/time barrier. As the title indicates, it is a holographic installation, made up of several boxes, without visible cables or wires, which aims to focus on the plurality of languages/choreographic identities of different choreographers/dancers, which are perpetuated through a hologram. A representation of the real that captures and reconstructs a moving body with volume and existence that, although virtual, is a moving body that is visible and that appears to exist within an empty real physical space. A body that dances and remains, for an indefinite time, in the eyes of those who observe it.
In 2018, with the production of Companhia Paulo Ribeiro and the co-production of Teatro Municipal Sá de Miranda, Viana do Castelo, the authors intend to expand this artistic project by inviting other national or international choreographers, proposing a short journey through the history of Dance. Clara Andermatt, Paulo Ribeiro and Rui Horta are the choreographers who will be part of Box 2.0 – Holographic Installation. Inside the holographic boxes it will be possible to visualize the physical and artistic identity, the choreographic language and the thought that brings together a whole choreographic research reflected in the movement of the body and its various levels of meaning. The same artistic expression, Dance, unfolded in various manifestations, in an artistic multidisciplinarity that crosses dance, technology and plastic arts.
Concept - António M Cabrita
Project authors - São Castro and António M Cabrita
Scenic element - Fernando Ribeiro
Production - Play False / cultural association
(production between 20018 and 2021 Companhia Paulo Ribeiro)
Co-production - Municipal Theater Sá de Miranda (Viana do Castelo, Portugal)
©António M Cabrita