from and with Catarina Câmara
from and with Catarina Câmara

curatorship SÃO CASTRO
Cidade Dança, an event that has been promoted by the São João da Madeira City Council since 2019, curated by São Castro, marks World Dance Day every year, in the month of April. This year, expanding its celebration beyond the conventional celebration in that month, the event takes place from the 12th to the 16th of June, with a program dedicated to this artistic expression. With proposals for shows, exhibitions, documentary screenings, meetings between the public and artists, training in the professional or recreational domain, in various spaces in the city, there are several invited artists and structures from the area of national and international artistic creation, as is called for the artistic fabric resident in the city that is dedicated to this body craft.
2024 schedule to be announced soon...
Registration open for artistic project with local community
In this edition, in addition to the program of shows and workshops, the event offers the community to participate in the process of creating a show, directed by the renowned choreographer Aldara Bizarro, who will be at the heart of the event and which will premiere on June 15th , as part of the programming of A CIDADE DANCE.
The project is aimed at people of all ages from 15 years old, with or without experience in dance, who have a taste or curiosity in developing their knowledge and skills in artistic areas such as dance, theater, singing or acting, in a process of sharing experiences and collective creation led by Aldara Bizarro.
In this new show designed for A CIDADE DANCE, the creation process with the choreographer will take place from May 16th to June 14th - from Wednesday to Friday after work hours, between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm, and on Saturday mornings . (These times will be adjusted between the choreographer and participants on the first day of rehearsals.)
Registration is now open and the invitation to participate is extended to the entire community of São João da Madeira as well as neighboring areas. Registration must be made by the 15th of May, via email to